Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Tennessee Day Two!

Okay okay. I'm sorry it took so long. I've been busy! haha

also, i guess my pictures were too big on here. bummer. that's kinda the whole reason i set this thing up. i hate seeing pictures at like 25% the size they are supposed to be. i'm all about the full screen. so unfortunately i had to delete a bunch of the last posts. if there was a picture you wanted or anything just let me know. i'll send it to you. i really like taking pictures and the way the world looks through the lens, and i love sharing it with others. so really, just let me know. i know i'm not the good yet but i love learning. 

so here are the pictures from our second day in Tennessee. We walked around downtown Nashville for the day and had a great time. We saw a bunch of shops, some historical sites, you know, the usual. Let me know what ones you like! . . if any haha. 

That is the titans football stadium on he banks of the Cumberland river.

Haha. I have to admit. This is probably one of my favorites. 

This was the printing press and Hatch Show Print. They still print everything old school. There was a Gorge Washington head there that was so sick. Turns out this place is one of the only one left the still print like that and also the oldest print shop in Nashville. 

The next couple were all taken at the Ernest Tubb Record Store. the "Country Western & Folk Music Headquarters". . . i guess its been around since 1947

Nashville and its Elvis. 

This is another favorite of mine. I love the Ray of sunshine that comes threw on the flag. Make it bigger to see it better. 

The "Batman" building

The Bridgestone building

This right here. . . is a highschool. . . putting North Medford to shame haha

This is my favorite out of them all. 

Mom playing the Sorcerers Apprentice. 

My cousin and I lookin steezy. No big deal.

The last couple were all taken at Fort Nashborough.
Its old and stuff haha. You can read about it if you want. . . its pretty neat, but if you don't, i won't blame you. 


  1. My favs:
    Nashville manhole cover
    The horse statue outside that bar
    1st fav-Panoramic shot of the Cumberland River with bridge and stadium
    Batman building
    And of course all the water pictures. (Too bad I wasn't there long enough to actually figure out the sequence and raise the water. Would have been totally cool! You know it would!!!

  2. It wouldn't be Colton Approved unless there was some sort of American flag pictured. I liked the printing press one the best.

  3. I like the cowboy boots and the rain gutter.

  4. So interesting to see what you deem photo-worthy.

  5. I liked the first three... and the Cumberland and the flag and the cowboy boots. haha. I don't know why. Just do.
